But then Kathy Jones entered this thought provoking comment, which I think inspires a second post of its own:
- NIPAPORN said...
I have suffered with bad breath for about 9 years now. I spent a small fortune on bad breath cures. Nothing I tried seem to work even as it said it would. I read this site and think it is useful and gives me something to think about. In any case it is always helpful to just to have people writing about it. I did find this site Oraltech Labs & their advice helped me most, I’ve got a boyfriend now & he said its working, hope it helps you too. Kindest, Kathy Jones. NJ.
It is interesting that this was Kathy's response to my post. I don't think she quite grasped the meaning of the excerpt from Slaughter-house Five. However, it is nice to know that she "read this site and think it is useful and gives me something to think about".
I tried to contact Kathy, so I could further discuss the ideas in the post she expressed such a keen interest in it - but alas, her profile is set to private, and so I am unable to follow up on what was a promising introduction.
Still, I felt I should at least acknowledge the diligence of Oraltech Labs (they will probably give me another comment now for having mentioned them, or who knows, they might even pay someone to read blog posts containing the term 'Oraltech Labs', because they are scared or at least wish to be aware of, the mighty influence my blog wields).
So I went and looked at their website, where they sell an e-book that apparently has all the answers on bad breath, and will make you happy and successful and you will never worry about anything like that ever again and people will like you and that will be enough. I could go and point and laugh at some minor mistakes on the website, but I am unsure if "confidents" is in fact a dental pun rather than an incorrect spelling of confidence.
So it goes (apologies to Vonnegut).
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