16 September, 2010

Enough Is Enough

Tired Gelati Gecko,

This Dr Jekyll/Mr Hyde farce has carried on far enough.

I'm going to be damned blunt here - pull your socks up. Your wallowing and splashing about is unwarranted, and lowers the overall tone of an already troubled publication.

You could take the time to write something humorous, or clever, or even both. But oh no, that's too much effort for crazy old Tired Gelati Gecko. All he wants to do is go around telling people every little bit of our business. Well oh no. Enough is enough.

Not here you don't, no sir!

I am going to change the password to this blog, in the hope that you will not be able to get your demonic (yet admittedly very capable) hands on it.

And if that fails, I shall chain myself to my bed until I am rested enough that I can know you will not rear your troublesome mind.

I regret that I am driven to this course of action.

Yours in severity and responsibility,

Gelati Gecko Proper

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