20 July, 2010


Once again, my resolve to keep up regular blogging has melted. But melted badly, like when you have chocolate and you don't want it to melt, so you minimise body contact and hence transfer of heat, but it's all in vain because it's melting anyway and there's nothing you can do about it.

So now as I sit in the puddle of melted chocolate which is my blog, I'm going to chuck out some of the half ideas that've been sitting about in my head:

Blog Posts You Won't See (read the titles and be very thankful)!
  • Commuter Makes Concerted Effort to be Civil to Ticket Inspector
  • Labor and Liberal Parties admit that the refugee debate is mostly about political point scoring, and partly "for the lols"
  • "I don't usually judge people on reality TV shows, but Jimmy is really getting my gander up!"
  • "Will journalism be an enriching potential career move, or will it just make me dead inside?"
Yeah. So next time you look at my blog and go "oh no, there's no update! I'm missing out on the quality content which would no doubt be present if only Gelati Gecko had the time!"....actually you've probably never done that.

Self-deprecating tripe aside...

New word for you all. If you liked scrumish (and I defy you to fault it), then you will love this one:


Definition: Not quite a run, not quite a brisk stride, the scamble falls somewhere in between. In its original context, the scamble relates specifically to the movement made when hurrying to a train platform, unsure as to whether you have missed your train already or not. It's really a mix of several very similar words:

- Scramble
- Amble
- Scamper

Enjoy in moderation.

Editor's Correction: It must be noted, if Gelati Gecko wishes to retain any degree of credibility or trustworthiness as a blogger, that the word scamble is to a large degree, and quite possibly entirely, the product of a friend. This friend, whose command of the English language, and fearsome intellect impress all he meets, thus deserves recognition of his outstanding contribution to society with 'scamble'.

We can only hope he shows some clemency and does not pursue proposed legal action.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is all I am going to write because this is my first foray into the blogosphere and i have just realised that i have not the slightest bit of knowledge about blog behaviour or etiquette or rituals or - essentially i feel very insecure. So I’m going to scamble back to the comfortable world of drawing buildings...