During an interview with Mike Munro, who must be appearing on Sydney television or something since I haven't seen him in ages, Kevin Rudd made the following statement about the economy:
"You either sit back as government and do nothing and just wait for the free market to fix it all up, or you step in and try and fill the breach for a temporary period," he said.
"That means temporary borrowings. People have to understand that because there's going to be the usual political shitstorm, sorry, political storm."
Whilst the image of a 'shitstorm' is rather evocative (I strongly suspect more than an umbrella would be required to keep that particularly moist form of weather at bay), Kevin Rudd immediately corrected himself and moved on.
But what is perhaps funniest is that the Liberals have accused him of meticulously 'scripting' the golden moment prior to the interview, in order to ingratiate himself with the workers, through his colloquial language (language analysis strikes once again).
And I agree with them for once, having already thought, before reading this story
that this would be the case. I can only wonder what other 'slip ups' we can come to expect in the future from Rudd:
"If I may speak frankly, Australia's economy could be fucked up the arse by an emu - oh dear, pardon my larrikinistic figure of speech - unless we take action..."
"I think that the general consensus coming out of the United Nations talks is that Mugabe is a real cun- sorry, just my working class roots showing there, ho ho ho ho"
or even..
"If we're fucking serious about making some motherfucking changes to the motherfucking environment before it's too screwed over to bloody well fix, we need to get off our fucking arses and start to do some goddamn work.......motherfucking bitches."

Kevin (afterwards to Julia Gillard): .......too many fucks?

Julia Gillard (nodding pensively): ......yeah, too many fucks.
And through all of this, I wonder whether the working class aren't thinking "goodness gracious, Mr Rudd, your penchant for obscene language is most indecorous, and most certainly does not garner you support from me."
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