26 March, 2009

Bus Story

At the traffic lights, waiting for them to change, so I can cross to the bus stop at the other side of the road. An old lady, with a pink jacket and big sunglasses, and those long pearl necklaces old people seem to like so much stands near me, as part of a larger crowd at the lights, clutching a rather capacious old black handbag.

Old Lady (upon observing me press the pedestrian button): Did it work? Sometimes it doesn't work...(squinting at the bus stop over the road) the other day...

The bus pulls in at the bus stop, and people start getting on. We cannot, as the lights have not changed.

Old Lady: This happened the other day...now it'll leave...

The lights change and we begin crossing. Halfway across, the bus pulls away and drives off.

Old Lady: Oh SHIT!

And so I turned back around and went to the library and read a book for a bit, before going and catching the next bus. And lo and behold, when we got to the next stop along, who should be waiting but the expletive-loving old lady from before. She has purchased some food and a bunch of flowers at the shops, all of which she carries on with her.

Old Lady (to driver): I'm like a human packhorse, aren't I?

Bus Driver:....

Old Lady (whilst putting in her ticket the wrong way): I said, I'm like a human packhorse, hmmm?

Bus Driver:....

Old Lady (glaring at bus driver, clearly annoyed at his lack of recognition for her efforts): Ha ha ha?....(angrily) oh neverMIND!

The Old Lady then took all her stuff and sat down, fuming to herself for the rest of the trip.

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