Stun gun manufacturing company Taser yesterday unveiled their brain chip, an exciting technological advancement promised to "revolutionise the face of parenting techniques".
"Essentially, this chip will allow parents to read their child's thoughts, and screen them through an electronic medium, blocking any deemed innapropriate. For instance, you might suspect your child is angry at you, or perhaps that they are hiding something. Now, the old fashioned way of dealing with this would of course be to approach them directly, and ask them about the perceived situation," explained technology spokesperson Tom Snith.
"Thanks to this technology, a confrontation is no longer necessary. You can simply scan their thoughts using our easy to use menu, until you're either satisfied that they are concealing nothing, or you have found their 'little secret'.
Smith rejected accusations that the technology is tantamount to mind reading. "This is a collaborative effort, where the child is aware of your intrusion into their consciousness. And of course, as they grow older, you can build trust, until you may only intrude their most private thoughts once a month."
So this was meant to be a satirical article, based on this piece of news I picked up today while trying to find out about news in Australia:
But I think the problem is that the article itself is almost satirical. If a parent's relationship with their child is so poor that they can't give them the basic human right of privacy, forced access to their friends and life outside the family is hardly going to help that relationship. The children will probably never trust their parents again. It is one of the stupidest ideas I've heard of in a while.
upon reading the actual article, I would completely agree with you... except, I read a book once where a little girl kept getting calls from a stranger and she didn't think it was weird at all, so she didn't tell her parents. Then she met up with him and he murdered her.
Other than that one off (fictional) incident, yeah, it's a stupid idea.
Yeah, but I don't think little children really need mobiles...I mean, we didn't have them when we were little, and I turned out ok...right?
I definitely agree that little children don't need mobiles.
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