15 May, 2009

Dangerously Annoyed

Yes, I haven't written anything on this blog for three weeks. And believe me when I write, that none of you could possibly regret this more than I do myself. There are several reasons, the English SAC not being one of them:

1. Busy, lots of other SACs and stuff (though this has always been the case)

2. My laptop is not working, and so I have no internet. As I write this I am using another laptop in the house, hovering in fear in a hidden staircase or somesuch.

3. There is no third reason.

I am really annoyed at the moment because it has taken a while to get to this stage. I had initially planned to break up the 'satirical' (if that's not too favourably intellectual a term) articles I had been hiding behind, and write something nice and appropriate and innoffesive. Being annoyed and feeling like throwing a mouse through the computer (either type of mouse would suffice), I don't think I could do that at the moment. Instead I might just post some inexcusably offensive smut I churned out in some of my more productive study sessions on Charles Dickens' Hard Times. Really, I'm almost ashamed I wrote it (though there are some images which I hope are suitably evocative).

Either leave so as to avoid offence, or brace yourself, because this story isn't pretty...

...and it's not copying here either. Probably for the best, it's not seeming to want to paste here. Perhaps I accidentally left a taste filter on somewhere...oh well. I'm tired and annoyed as earlier stated, so to be quite candid, I don't feel like putting it up. Sorry about that. Really, I am.

Maybe if my laptop gets fixed eventually I'll be able to put something up...hope so. And taking another look at that Hard Times stuff...just as well I didn't put it up. I don't think I'm coherent right now, so it's not the best time to be making taste judgements on the content of my blog. And probably not the best time to be adding to it.

Alternatively, why don't you schedule a "repeats" or "best of" Gelati Gecko reading session? Perhaps you'd like to trace Gnometta's fairtale story, or relive the magic of the Gingerbread story? Or maybe you have a hankering to go and find that scathing attack on the thoroughly deserving Herald Sun. Or perhaps you'd like to go back and point and laugh at my awkward earlier posts, to see where I've come from, and maybe you'd even like to make a documentary about it, and commentate on your relationship with this blog and how it has left an indelible mark on all aspects of your life.

I encourage you all to reflect on this, and if that all fails, go and write something yourself for fun. Or play poison ball with someone you don't like very much (a spiked medicine ball can sometimes be an appropriate substitution here).

Hoping I'll soon be posting more regularly (and thanks for the influx of hating votes on my poll, it warms me to my bones to see it),

Yours sometimes insincerely, often puerile and innapropriately, but always well-intentionedly (if occassionally grammatically incorrect),

Gelati Gecko


Luna Moony said...

Yes, it is pretty annoying when the internet isn't working. I almost threw my dad's laptop out the window the other day when it took 5 minutes to open a word document.

Mr Agreement said...

Oh yes. And it's not always restricted to technology, of course. I almost threw mother out the window the other day when she wouldn't answer my question...