So at school today people were discussing internet censorship, and it made me think of the sorts of things we might be missing out on if certain words were blocked on the internet, such as innocuous stories like this...
Margaret and Mittens laughed as they went upstairs, to finish painting in the studio cum living room which she had decorated the previous winter. She pulled back the curtains, letting sunlight into the room. Their half finished masterpiece, a naked portrait of a child in a purely Bill Henson artistic fashion, still lay on the floor where they had left it the night before.
And so they set about painting it, selecting vibrant hues and subtle greys. Suddenly as Margaret reached over to collect some more Venetian lilac she brushed her sleeve in the Parisian crimson.
"Oh bother!" she ejaculated loudly in mild annoyance, rubbing it off with the cloth kept for such a purpose.
I am of course, opposed to censorship. A thorough censorship system would probably wipe this humble blog from the virtual face of the internet. And if we simply censor things which are inconvenient, we miss the opportunity to discuss them in an adult and mature fashion. Rather than pretending things don't exist by hiding them behind cellophane and duct tape, we should bring them out and encourage healthy debate.
I'm not particularly inclined to go on right now, and jump up and down to make my point, as nobody has so far disagreed with me. But by all means, leave a comment and tell me I'm a complete idiot - there are few things I enjoy more. And I promise I won't censor it.
you're a complete idiot
The smiley face does somewhat detract from the insult. I was hoping some actual debate would start here...but clearly I'm just too agreeable for that.
I generally agree. But, I don’t think it’s good to expose little children to certain things. In some cases censorship is needed on the internet, so kids don’t stumble across something they probably shouldn’t.
Yeah, that's true too I guess. Although
a) that's what we have kid's filter programs for
b) parents have a responsibility to monitor their child's exposure to the internet
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