21 October, 2012

Ambition Bug Strikes Again

It's pretty inappropriate timing in one sense but spot on by and large.

I've been hit tonight by an energising wave of ambitiousness. That's the simplest way of describing it, but instead it's like my brain is buzzing and alight with a burning urge to get out into the world and carve out a name and reputation and connections of power and do it now.

It's bad timing because I'm meant to be writing an essay on superannuation (shout out to the one (?) possible reader who has been following that particular sub-plot). But I'm hoping it will tide over and power me through what I need to get done tonight.

But back to this ambition business. I've started coming back to this blog to spill these surges of mental excitement and I guess that's why I'm back here today.

It was YouTube that sparked it on this occasion: I've got some friends who are more savvy with the politics of YouTube, but I was basically looking at the extraordinary influence and power wielded by people my age who had started a YouTube channel: later invited to become YouTube Partners ($$) and still commanding impressive audiences.

Having neither the face nor the inspiration for broad spectrum appeal videos I'm not intending to start a YouTube Channel any time soon. Or will I?...

Either way, the gist is I've got to get my website together once I've got all this uni work done by Tuesday. Then I'll pull together my online self and start to chisel away until I attract an audience.

I think it's incredibly important that I start with my own online identity outside of an organisation, because I reckon that's what I'll need to fall back on, and if I've built it myself then I know I can count on it.

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