15 December, 2009

Student Throws Away ENTER Score

Timothy Walkins today celebrated his VCE results. A perfect score in three of his subjects secured his ENTER of 99.95, the highest ENTER achievable by Victorian secondary school students. Following his outstanding results, he has re-organised his VTAC preferences.

"I just want to do something I enjoy...you shouldn't choose something just because of your score," he explained, as he revealed that he has cancelled his VTAC applications, and has instead applied to the local garbage collector rounds. "I think that this will ultimately be a more spiritually fulfilling occupation," he said. "It's something I've always been able to see myself doing, and I don't think I should let a high score distract me from the noble profession of garbage collection. The cold morning starts, the wholesome knowledge that I am an essential cog in the social machinery of life: disease and pestilence would reign supreme in my absence."

His local municipal garbage collection jobs do not currently have an ENTER requirement, a fact which has distressed his mother, Beverley. "I'm just concerned that he will regret this later down the track. He should use his score to do something useful...or Arts at Melbourne, at the very least."


Luna Moony said...

I hope Timothy becomes my garbage collector, maybe he’ll be clever enough not to place our bin on the lawn across the road… that would be nice.

Anonymous said...

Arts at Melbourne needs no justification. They've been doing so for two years since the model.

From one Aunt Penniman.