07 December, 2009

My Travels Begin...

So, here I am. Where is 'here'? I am in the Qantas lounge in Hong Kong, typing on a Mac. Before long I will take a flight to London, and then from London to Paris.

I'm afraid there's not been too many colourful anecdotes to share with you thus far. I did some scribbling in the plane:

The Journey

"500 years ago, a ship sailed towards the southern coast of France, made up of a crew charged with a secret mission from the most secret of secret and powerful of powerful powers of their age.

Now, in 2010, a young boy is traveling to Europe with his family. But his journey will yield more than he could have ever expected, as shocking truths buried deep within his ancestry begin to come to light..."

Logbook, Monday 7th December 1509

Food is scarce. The Captain says that if we don't see land within the next two suns, we shall have no option but to kill the lovable ship's monkey, Lucifer. Lucifer expressed discomfort with the proposal through screeching, and biting the wooden oars of the ship's dingy. The air is thick with mutiny...

Young Thomas Wemberlybroke settled himself into his comfortable plane chair, and opened a small blue book, and began to write. 'But what to write about?' he wondered.

As he stared down at the blank page, a hostess approached him, her lips stretched into a smile.
"Can I get you anything?" She broke out into a dazzling laugh, her eyes sparkling with saline.
"Do you have some saline in your eyes" asked the boy politely.
"No," she lied. "Can I get you anything?" she repeated.
"You do have saline in your eyes," insisted the boy, still politely.
"No I don't," she responded shortly. But she did.

Why was she lying about having saline in her eyes? The boy pondered this question as she continued down the aisle. Then, with horrific clarity, it dawned on him. She didn't have saline in her eyes because she needed to hydrate them, but because she was an alien. Having solved this puzzle, the boy went to sleep. The alien hostess then promptly devoured everyone on the plane, and then the plane itself.

I have no intention of finishing that story.

I could go through all the details, such as:
  • I watched District 9 on the plane. I watched some of Marie Antoinette and Bruno, but didn't find either very interesting.
  • I have been feasting on the free food provided in the airline lounges and so forth, as food will cease to be free once we get to France. I shall be well stocked by the time we reach Paris.
but those details would not interest you. I will come back when I have something interesting to say. Either then, or at the next lounge while I'm waiting for the next plane.


Luna Moony said...

I'm always interested in what films people watch on planes (no sarcasm intended there.)
Are you staying in London long or is it just a change of planes stop? I'm only interested because I lived there for a while....

Gelati Gecko said...

Unfortunately, we do not have the time to stay in London. Our brief experience there included waiting in the airport, where a voice reminded us to make sure "you do not leave you luggage unattended, as unattended luggage will be removed and destroyed."

But so far we've visited Paris (albeit briefly) and Venice (from which I pen (type?) this response.