09 January, 2009

Mental Abstraction

Yep, I'm feeling incredibly lazy, as is the case during holidays.

Funny story of the week:

This made the front page of The Age on Thursday this week as a story...

Basically, a commercial gallery owner is asked by a photographer whose work he displays, if he would consider some abstract artwork from an artist by the name of Aelita Andre. He takes a look, and likes what he sees. He sets about advertising his new show, with nice "glossy invitations and placing ads in reputable magazines Art Almanac and Art Collector", with these abstract works prominently featured.

And it is only then, they he found out....Aelita Andre is 22 months old. Turns out she's the daughter of the photographer who recommended her. Of course, Mr Jamieson (the gallery owner) is pretty pissed off, quoted as being "shocked, and to be honest, a little embarrassed." Another source claimed he added "Well there goes my fucking credibility. Thanks, you two year old bitch."

However, he decided in the end to proceed with the show, but added that though his gallery supported emerging artists, he would not be "making a habit" of showing children's work.

Age art critic said (when not informed of the artist's age)...

"credible abstractions, maybe playing on Asian screens with their reds. They're heavily reliant on figure/ground relations."

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