24 September, 2008


Is it ok to smack children?

Three children, who were taken from their mother as she could no longer care for them, and were living with their grandparents when the grandmother smacked the boy for playing in a drain.

The Department of Community Services then removed the children from the grandparents, and, unable to find a suitable place for them, separated them into different homes.

Full story here: http://www.news.com.au/dailytelegraph/story/0,22049,23177403-5001021,00.html

And then the Community Services Minister himself, Kevin Greene, admitted of his own parenting that "There were times when our judgement has been that it was appropriate to smack the children. But we've moved past those days of toddler tantrums and disobedient kids." Just a tad hypocritical. Of course, this raises the question, did the DOCS (Department of Community Services) do the right thing?

Certainly there have been cases in the last year where children have died, after authorities being unaware of child abuse. So perhaps this could explain the hastiness to do something. Yet was it useful at all to SEPARATE the children from one another? No doubt this will only teach the children that they shouldn't tell people the truth (for the child said, when asked whether their grandmother smacked them, 'Yes, she smacked me last week.')

And of course it raises the old debate about whether or not it is ok to smack children. Often parents do it out of sudden anger and fear about their child's behaviour, and this is justified by that.

But its the holidays and I really wrote this post simply because I don't want you all to run away to other blogs, as the waning poll votes would indicate.


Anonymous said...

Of course it's okay to smack children but on specific areas eg Ass. you should never hit a kid across his face or head cos that's actually dangerous. I used to get hit by my parents on the ass and i dont hate them for it. I mean, if it means that they won't turn out into spoilt white annoying bitches then go for your life...full support woo!
Ask any asian. We've all been smacked...and we will most likely smack our children too. It's not like we're violent it's just one of the best forms of discipline :)

Gelati Gecko said...

Yes, I too was occassionally smacked...and I've turned out ok...right?....

Anonymous said...

No, no you havn't. Wait a minute...i asked you if you've been smacked in the past and you said no. LIAR you stupid white guy lol.
Your parents are too guilt ridden to lay a finger on you...that or you have aids.
i'll go with the aids

Anonymous said...

Joseph... says:
Joseph... says:
i'll make a porn site