07 August, 2008

Raison d'Etre

There are some days where things just don't go the way you want. Sometimes its when you've woken up at 5.30am for band, jumped on an early train, and have halfway reached school when you realise you don't have your instrument (At times like this I break into hysterical/insane fits of laughter - but I'm usually alone. Except for the early train people, who are really quite a sedated group of commuters that like to keep to themselves.)
But there are other times when I realise the small moments in day to day life that we should all appreciate more. Here is one of my favourites:

What is termed by psychologists the "door opening complex". This is when an impatient commuter holds down a clearly unlit button, releasing it just before it turns green. A few fantastical seconds pass as everyone in the carriage watches that button, unpressed, glowing cheekily, wantonly winking away. Then someone presses the button and the moment is over. But I swear, this is by far one of the best perks I get from my train trip (but keep in mind I also find writing letters to television guides, taking the Parliament reverse route and binging on mind blowingly terrible TV close seconds (incidentally, a warm thank you to the music selection monkey at Today Tonight, you will always make me laugh. Coffee?))

And also, we should all keep an eye out for the upcoming Olympic reports on commercial stations (a reliable source tells me that Kochie is particularly amusing to watch as he works his way through offending everything Chinese - who knew!) But there's some spectacularly bad television beckoning at the moment, so you'll have to excuse me.


booooooooooooo said...
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booooooooooooo said...

hahahahahaha you have a blog!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Noice, but I have better things to do.... like sleep ;)